Raw DEFLATE compressed data (RFC 1951) are typically written with a zlib or gzip wrapper encapsulating the data, by adding a header and footer. This provides stream identification and error detection that are not provided by the raw DEFLATE data.


ZLIB header

header fields size description
Compression method (CM) 4 bits CM = 8 (deflate with 32K window)
CM = 15 (reserved)
Compression information (CINFO) 4 bits CINFO=7 window size: 32K
Window = 1 << (CINFO + 8)
Flags (FLG) 8 bits flags, details see below
Dictionary identifier (DICTID) 32 bits optional, if FLG.FDICT set.
DICTID = Alder32(Dictionary)
Dictionary size could be checked by the DICTID optional, if FLG.FDICT set.

Flags (FLG)

bit fields size description
check bits (FCHECK) 5 bits check bits for CMF and FLG
preset dictionary (FDICT) 1 bit preset dictionary flag
compression level (FLEVEL) 2 bits compression level

check bits(FCHECK) value must be such that CMF(CM + CINFO) and FLG, when viewed as a 16-bit unsigned integer stored in MSB order (CMF*256 + FLG), is a multiple of 31.
Simply, it should satisfy: (CMF*256 + FLG) mod 31 == 0

preset dictionary(FDICT) if set, a DICT dictionary identifier is present immediately after the FLG byte. The dictionary is a sequence of bytes which are initially fed to the compressor without producing any compressed output. DICT is the Adler-32 checksum of this sequence of bytes.

Compression level (FLEVEL) (for CM = 8)

value description
0 compressor used fastest algorithm
1 compressor used fast algorithm
2 compressor used default algorithm
3 compressor used maximum compression, slowest algorithm

Compressed Data

For compression method 8, the compressed data is stored in the deflate compressed data format. For raw deflate format, please see deflate format

footer fields size description
Adler-32 Checksum 32 bits checksum value of the uncompressed data
(excluding any dictionary data)




GZIP header

header fields size description
IDentification 1 (ID1) 8 bits fixed value ID1 = 31 (0x1f, \037)
IDentification 2 (ID2) 8 bits fixed value ID2 = 139 (0x8b, \213)
Compression method (CM) 8 bits CM = 0-7 (reserved), CM = 8 (deflate)
Flags (FLG) 8 bits flags, details see below
Modification TIME (MTIME) 32 bits Unix format of the most recent modification time
Extra Flags (XFL) 8 bits Extra flags, details see below
Operating System (OS) 8 bits Operating System
XLEN 16 bits optional, if FLG.FEXTRA set. Extra field byte length
Extra field XLEN bytes optional, if FLG.FEXTRA set.
Original file name zero-terminated optional, if FLG.FNAME set.
File comment zero-terminated optional, if FLG.FCOMMENT set.
Header CRC16 16 bits optional, if FLG.FHCRC set.

Flags (FLG)

fields bit description
FTEXT bit 0 If FTEXT is set, the file is probably ASCII text.
FHCRC bit 1 If FHCRC is set, a CRC16 for the gzip header is present.
FEXTRA bit 2 If FEXTRA is set, optional extra fields are present.
FNAME bit 3 If FNAME is set, a zero-terminated original file name is present.
FCOMMENT bit 4 If FCOMMENT is set, a zero-terminated file comment is present.
reserved bit 5-7 Reserved FLG bits must be zero.

Extra Flags (XFL) (for CM = 8)

value description
XFL = 2 compressor used maximum compression, slowest algorithm.
XFL = 4 compressor used fastest algorithm.

Operating System (OS)

value description
0 FAT filesystem (MS-DOS, OS/2, NT/Win32)
1 Amiga
2 VMS (or OpenVMS)
3 Unix
5 Atari TOS
6 HPFS filesystem (OS/2, NT)
7 Macintosh
8 Z-System
9 CP/M
10 TOPS-20
11 NTFS filesystem (NT)
13 Acorn RISCOS
255 unknown

Compressed Data

For compression method 8, the compressed data is stored in the deflate compressed data format. For raw deflate format, please see deflate format

footer fields size description
CRC-32 Checksum (CRC32) 32 bits checksum value of the uncompressed data.
Input Size (ISIZE) 32 bits size of the uncompressed input data modulo 2^32.

