




ext2fs由Rey Card设计,其目标是为Linux提供一个强大的可扩展文件系统。

  • 支持标准unix文件类型
  • 管理大的分区,达4TB
  • 支持长文件名,255字符
  • 为超级用户保留5%数据块


FLASH(闪存)作为嵌入式系统的主要存储媒介,有其自身的特性。FLASH的写入操作只能把对应位置的1修改为0,而不能把0修改为1(擦除FLASH就是把对应存储块的内容恢复为1),因此,一般情况下,向FLASH写入内容时,需要先擦除对应的存储区间,这种擦除是以块(block)为单位进行的。在往 Flash 擦除块写数据(Write)之前必须将擦除块 (Erase Block)先进行擦除(Erase)操作。Flash 擦除操作的最小单位是擦除块(Erase Block), 写操作的最小单位是page。

正是因为Flash这样的特点,为Flash 存储器设计的文件系统需要实现“不在原地更新”(Out-Of-Place update)。
如果擦除块很小,而且可以快速的擦除,那样的话擦除块就可以被视为块设备的 disk sectors,但是事实往往并非如此。读取一个擦除块中的数据,擦除这个擦除块,然后再将更新的数据写回这个擦除块往往比简单的直接将更新的数据写到另外一个已经被擦除过的擦除块多花费100倍的时间。也就是说,在原地更新数据(In-Place updates)往往比“不在原地更新”(Out-Of-Place Update)多用100倍的时间。

当然,Out-Of-Place update 也随之引入了其他的要求– 垃圾回收(Garbage Collection)。 正是因为更新数据采用的Out-Of-Place, 擦除块就会既包含有效数据也包含被废弃的无效数据(有效数据已经被更新到其他地方)。 这样,最后文件系统会用光所有的擦除块,而一个擦除块将是有效数据和无效数据的结合体。 识别一个擦除块中含有很多废弃数据,并将其中的有效数据转移到另外的擦除块的过程被称为垃圾回收(Garbage Collection)。

垃圾回收得益于文件系统的节点结构(Node structure)。文件系统的垃圾回收器如果想回收一个擦除块,这个文件系统必须能够识别存在擦除块上的数据。这正是文件系统面临的查找索引的反向问题。文件系统往往通过文件名开始查找所有属于这个文件的数据。垃圾回收正好相反,垃圾回收是以数据作为起始线索,查找它所属于的文件(如果有的话)。解决这一问题的一种方式是把元数据(meta data)和文件数据(file data)一起存储。这种文件数据和数据的组合体称之为节点(node)。每个Node记录了这个node 中的元数据隶属于哪个文件(更确切的说是inode number),以及在文件中的offset 以及数据长度等。 JFFS2 和 UBIFS 文件系统都遵循了节点结构(node-structured)的设计模式,这使得它们的垃圾收集器可以直接读取擦除块就能可以知道哪些数据需要移动,哪些数据可以丢弃,并一一更新它们的索引。


  • 都属于闪存,操作单位是字节,而不是扇区;
  • NOR,更适合存储程序代码,容量一般比较小(比如32M),可擦写次数几十万次;
  • NAND,适合存储数据,容量比较大,与NOR相比,NAND不是很可靠,出厂时会有一定比例的坏块,对数据的存取不是通过地址映射,而是通过寄存器操作,串行读取数据,可擦写次数数百万;
  • JFFS与YAFFS比较,两者各有长处. 一般来说,对于容量较小的NOR Flash,可以选用JFFS;对于容量较大的NAND Flash,比如超过64MBytes,用YAFFS比较合适。


在嵌入式Linux下,MTD(Memory Technology Device,存储技术设备)为底层硬件(闪存)和上层(文件系统)之间提供一个统一的抽象接口,即Flash的文件系统都是基于MTD驱动层的。使用MTD驱动程序的主要优点在于,它是专门针对各种非易失性存储器(以闪存为主)而设计的,因而它对Flash有更好的支持、管理和基于扇区的擦除、读写操作接口。


日志闪存文件系统版本2(Journalling Flash File System v2)

JFFS最早是由瑞典Axis Communications公司基于Linux2.0的内核为嵌入式系统开发的文件系统。

JFFS2 Overview
JFFS2, the Journalling Flash File System version 2 is widely used in the embedded systems world. JFFS2 was originally designed for small NOR flashes (less then about 32MB) and the first device with JFFS2 file system was a small bar-code scanner. Later,when NAND flashes became widely used, NAND support was added to JFFS2. The firstNAND flashes were also small enough, but grew in size very quickly and are currently much larger then 32MB.JFFS2 has log-structured design, which basically means, that the whole file system may be regarded as one large log. Any file system modification (i.e., file change, directory
creation, changing files attributes, etc) is appended to the log. The log is the only data structure on the flash media. Modifications are encapsulated into small data structures called nodes.So, JFFS2 is roughly a log, the log consists of nodes, each node contains a file system modification. And this is basically all JFFS2 file system is. It is very simple from the physical layouts standpoint.

The index is a crucial part of any file system as it is used to keep track of everything that is stored in the file system. For example, the index may help to quickly locate the addresses of physical blocks which correspond to the specified file at the specified offset,or it helps to quickly find all the directory entries in a specified directory and so on.For example, in case of ext2, the inode table, the bitmap and the set of direct, indirect,doubly indirect and triply indirect pointers may be considered the index. In case of the FAT file system, the File Allocation Table may be considered as the index, etc.In traditional file systems the index is usually kept and maintained on the media, but unfortunately, this is not the case for JFFS2. In JFFS2, the index is maintained in RAM,not on the flash media. And this is the root of all the JFFS2 scalability problems.Of course, as the index in kept in RAM, JFFS2 achieves extremely high throughput,just because it does not need to update the index on flash after something has been changed in the file system. And this works very well for relatively small flashes, for which JFFS2 was originally designed. But as soon as one tries to use JFFS2 on large flashes (starting from about 128MB), many problems come up.At first, it is obvious that JFFS2 needs to build the index in RAM when it mounts the file system. For this reason, it needs to scan the entire flash partition in order to locate all the nodes which are present there. So, the larger is JFFS2 partition, the more
nodes it has, the longer it takes to mount it.

The second, it is evidently that the index consumes some RAM. And the larger is the JFFS2 file system, the more nodes it has, the more memory is consumed.
To put it differently, if S is the size of the JFFS3 flash partition,

  • JFFS2 mount time scales as O(S) (linearly);
  • JFFS2 memory consumption scales as O(S) (linearly).

JFFS2 has many advantages, for example:

  • very economical flash usage. data usually take as much flash space as it actuallyneed, without wasting a lot space as in case of traditional file systems for block devices;
  • admitting of on-flight compression which allows to fit a great deal of data to the flash; note, there are few file systems which support compression;
  • very good file system write throughput (no need to update any on-flash indexing information as it simply does not exist there);
  • unclean reboots robustness;
  • good enough wear-leveling.

It is also worth noting here that there is a patch which is usually referred to as the summary patch, that was implemented by Ferenc Havasi and was recently committed to the JFFS2 CVS. This patch speeds up the JFFS2 mount greatly, especially in case of NAND flashes. What the patch basically does is that it puts a small summary node at the end of each flash erasable block. This node, roughly speaking, contains the copy of headers of all the nodes in this eraseblocks. So, when JFFS2 mounts the file system,it needs to glance to the end of each eraseblock and read the summary node. This results in that JFFS2 only needs to read one or few NAND pages from the end of each eraseblock. Instead, when there is no summary, JFFS2 reads almost every NAND page in each eraseblock, because node headers are spread more or less evenly over eraseblocks.Although the patch helps a lot, it is still a not scalable solution and it only relaxes the coefficient of the JFFS2 mount time liner dependency. Let alone that it does not lessen JFFS2 memory consumption.



The main idea how to fix in JFFS2 to make it scalable is to move the index from RAM to flash. Unfortunately, this requires complete JFFS2 redesign and re-implementation and the design of JFFS3 is largely different to the design of JFFS2.

Indexing problem:

There is a large difference between block devices and flash devices in how they allow to update the contents of a sector. Block devices admit of so-called in-place updates, i.e.the update may be written straight to the sector. Flash devices do not allow this unless the whole eraseblock has been erased before.Obviously, it is unacceptable to erase the whole eraseblock each time a sector is updated. Instead, so-called out-of-place updates technique is usually used. This simply means that no attempts to update sectors in-place are made but instead, updates are written to some other sector and the contents of the previous sector is afterwords regarded as garbage.

This out-of-place writes property of flash devices assumes that JFFS3 also has
log-structured design as in JFFS3 any update is written out-of-place. And it seems that this is natural for any flash file system to have log-structured design.It is interesting to notice that in log-structured file systems for block devices not any update is out-of-place. There are always some fixed-position sectors present. These sectors usually refer the file system index, admit of quick file system mount and they are updated in-place.
But flash devices have limited number of erase cycles for each eraseblock and it is impossible to guaranty good wear-levelling if some eraseblocks are reserved for similar purposes. So, it is important that in JFFS3 there are no in-place updates as good wear-levelling is one of the main requirements to JFFS3.


The out-of-place updates property makes it difficult to maintain the index on the flash media.


Yet Another Flash File System
yaffs/yaffs2是专为嵌入式系统使用NAND型闪存而设计的一种日志型文件系统,提供磨损平衡和掉电恢复的健壮性。它还为大容量的Flash 芯片做了很好的调整,针对启动时间和RAM 的使用做了优化。与jffs2相比,它减少了一些功能(例如不支持数据压缩),所以速度更快,挂载时间很短,对内存的占用较小。另外,它还是跨平台的文件系统,除了Linux和eCos,还支持WinCE, pSOS和ThreadX等。


YAFFS中,文件是以固定大小的数据块进行存储的,块的大小可以是512字节、1 024字节或者2 048字节。这种实现依赖于它能够将一个数据块头和每个数据块关联起来。每个文件(包括目录)都有一个数据块头与之相对应,数据块头中保存了ECC(Error Correction Code)和文件系统的组织信息,用于错误检测和坏块处理。充分考虑了NAND Flash的特点,YAFFS把这个数据块头存储在Flash的16字节备用空间中。当文件系统被挂载时,只须扫描存储器的备用空间就能将文件系统信息读入内存,并且驻留在内存中,不仅加快了文件系统的加载速度,也提高了文件的访问速度,但是增加了内存的消耗。



yaffs与yaffs2的主要区别在于,前者仅支持小页(512 Bytes) NAND闪存,后者则可支持大页(2KB) NAND闪存。同时,yaffs2在内存空间占用、垃圾回收速度、读/写速度等方面均有大幅提升。


由Linux Torvalds参与开发的小型只读压缩文件系统。

  • Inode、文件名称和目录信息不压缩
  • 单个文件最大为16MB
  • 数据压缩存放
  • 适合不需要写、且体积较大的文件系统,如/lib,/opt等
  • 与JFFS2、Cloop相比,读取速度快
  • 压缩率可以超过50%
  • 读取文件时,每次读取4k内容,解压缩到cache中
  • Linux内核已提供了对cramfs的支持,只要编译时选中


mkcramfs /lib lib.cramfs
mkcramfs /usr usr.cramfs


mount -t cramfs lib.cramfs /lib -o loop
mount -t cramfs usr.cramfs /usr -o loop



  • 系统中的很多应用都依赖于proc文件系统,如命令lsmod等同于cat /proc/modules。
  • 文件的大小为0
  • 很多文件名体现了内核的相应参数,可以通过这个文件名修改参数值。如:
    echo 2048 > /proc/sys/shmmni
  • /proc下的“数字目录”指代了相应pid的进程,如目录“1”下的内容就是1进程的各种信息。






  • bin 必要的用户命令(二进制文件)
  • boot 引导加载程序使用的静态文件
  • dev 设备文件及其他特殊文件
  • etc 系统配置文件
  • home 用户主目录
  • lib 必要的链接库,例如:C链接库、内核模块
  • mnt 临时挂载的文件系统的挂载点



文章部分内容整理自: 相关文档

JFFS3 design issues